Mural in vestibule at St.Boniface Catholic Church

Mural in vestibule at St.Boniface Catholic Church

The winter sun shone through the stain glass windows, into the sanctuary of St. Boniface Catholic Church at 10:00am to greet the congregation, Liederkranz Männerchor and Fr. Neumann to celebrate the Epiphany.  This Sunday each year Liederkranz is invited to sing at the mass.  It is their final performance of the Christmas season.


In a small pageant, four children are dressed as the Magi and a Star pass thru the congregation collecting contributions for the needy in Africa.


After a three-song performance by Liederkranz, open face sandwiches and cookies were served along with coffee and tea in the church basement.  Due to the warm weather, everyone stayed longer to wish each other Happy New Year and to discuss their resolutions for 2018.

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