Liederkranz at the Legislature 2016
At noon December 10.16, Männerchor Liederkranz entered the rotunda at the Alberta Legislature singing ‘Andachts-Jodler’ by Franz Josef Breuer an annual traditional Christmas song from the Tirol. The concert was performed on the main staircase in the rotunda.
Annually Liederkranz Männerchor performs this concert at the Alberta Legislature. The acoustics in the main rotunda are exceptional, enhancing the four-part harmony of the German men’s choir.
Each year all choir members look forward to this performance as the pinnacle of their Christmas Season. Many public members attend annually as part of their Christmas tradition. One attendee was overheard saying: ‘This concert puts me in the Christmas spirit”.
The concert ends ‘Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht’ – Silent night, holy night.