Christa Honored
December 14.2015
The wives of Männerchor Liederkranz singers have always played a key role in th success of the choir. Besides being supportive fans, they take on tasks like baking for the Advent Concert and playing important roles at fundraisers like the Tumbola and Casino. Never do they refuse when asked to help.
For many years Christa Schimanke has been front and center volunteering and participating at all functions of Leiderkranz making it the vibrant organization that it is. Her late husband Fritz was a long-term choir member. Since his death, Christa has continued her benevolent efforts for the choir.
As well, a member of St.John’s Lutheran Church in 96 street, Christa has always provided sumptuous lunches whenever Liederkranz performs there – aka Christmas Service and Liederkranz Spring Concert.
At the Männerchor Liederkranz Christmas Party, President Len Kieser awarded Christa and honorary membership to the club for her longstanding efforts and commitment to the success of the choir. Vielen dank Christa!
In his presentation Len related; “This year she (Christa) made a Tomobola gift that sold for 40 dollars before the scheduled event, and quickly turned that money into more gifts for the Tombola. When I personally thanked her for the gifts and mentioned that it was not expected from her. She replied “it’s my choir”. She exerts more energy and provides more resources for “her choir” than some of our regular members. It is indeed her choir!”