At the 2017 annual summer picnic, a Liederkranz member in good standing since 1967, Guenther Koesling, was awarded with a 50-year recognition pin for his participation in the choir. During that time he served a president – 1970 > 1975.


Due to his work that took him out of town, Guenther was not able to actively participate, but he continued to pay membership dues and supported the choir in any way he could during these absent times.

“I has be a joy for me to be a part of the choir all this time.  I am especially proud that I was able to sing in a choir with my son Gene and grandson Jonathan ”


At the Calgary Sangerfest in May 2017, Guenther was awarded a 40-year participation award pin.  Six years previous he was also awarded a 40-year participation pin.  Gunther questions

“Two 40 year pins, is that equivalent to an 80 years of membership?”

Len giving award to Guenther

Len giving award to Guenther

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