Liederkranz at MS Christmas Party

MS Society and guests are entertained by the Männerchor Liederkranz with a concert at the Norwood Legion Hall.  Some newly arranged carols and some old favorites created a festive mood putting all into the Christmas spirit.

Luwam Kiflemariam – MS Society Walk Manage

“Thanks again for singing at our Christmas Party. It was most enjoyable and we heard great things from people who attended.
The choir was excellent. They played at a 100+ people event. They were wonderful and brought the Christmas spirit to the room. I would have them back for any and all events. Thank you Leiderkranz Men’s Choir!”  Merry Christmas

Johanna Green – MS Society Northern Regional Manager

“Männerchor Liederkranz provided the perfect touch to one of the most special events of the year – the Christmas Party.  Thank-you for the gift of voices, which brought hope to our MS family throughout this time of year.”

Leonard Kieser – President Männerchor Liederkranz

“Our contribution in song to the MS Society Christmas celebration was a pleasure and inspiration.  At the event we met people who are challenged by this debilitating disease and have found a way to live a “new normal” productive life. We hope our singing is a show of support to the MS cause.”




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